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Day 23

 Today wasn’t particularly eventful. I didn’t really do much as I have been sick and didn’t feel up for anything. However, despite how bad I felt I still went to class. I didn’t want to miss our last day on campus because I wanted to buy. 

Before I got to campus, I stopped at the 7-11 to see if the lady who brings a small to my face was there. Sadly she wasn’t. I was really hoping to see her cause I wanted to give her a gift but sadly I wasn’t able to. I could maybe try someday this weekend but I’m not too sure about my schedule yet. 

After that I headed to campus with Ian and Athena. We stopped and talked to Gabe on the way as he was on his way back to the hotel. He was done for the day, because they did not have any after class clubs and seminars for us to attend. 

Once we got to campus, the three of us headed straight to class. By that time I was regretting my decision to go to class. The heat and humidity had sucked all the energy I had out of my body and I wasn’t able to cool off. The lack of strong air conditioning in Japan didn’t help either. 

Once class started I tried my best to focus and follow along. But after trying to do the free writes my head started to work and I could tell that I was done for the day. I tried my best to power through but by the time class was half way done I threw in the towel and just laid my head down. 

Once class finally finished, Ian, Athena, and I walked to the on campus convenience store to obtain the hoodies. There was a bit of difficulty obtaining the right size but after getting over the language barrier and waiting for a bit I finally got the hoodie I wanted (picture below).

With the package in tow, we set out for our journey back to the hotel. It wasn’t much better than the journey there, in fact it was a bit worse. It felt even hotter out as we walked to the station and all I could think about was my bed. 

When we finally arrived back at the hotel I crashed. I honestly don’t remember much after that. The rest of the afternoon/evening was a blur. I know I got food at some point and watched some one piece. But I don’t remember what I ate that night or when I finally went to bed.


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