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Welcome to SS314: Language, Culture, & History

Welcome to our class blog for Language, Culture, & History! We are one of the classes in the study abroad Japan program, a partnership between Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and Osaka Metropolitan University. During our five week summer course, we will collaboratively author this class blog to document our adventures in Osaka and across Japan. 

Blogging Schedule

July 4th: Ian 
July 5th: Thomas 
July 6th: John A.
July 7th: Michael
July 8th: Rahm 
July 9th: David 
July 10th: Madison 
July 11th: Aidan 
July 12th: Colby 
July 13th: Daniel 
July 14th: Race 
July 15th: Lara 
July 16th: Joseph 
July 17th: Samuel 
July 18th: Athena 
July 19th: Lauren 
July 20th: John W.
July 21st: Ian 
July 22nd: Thomas
July 23rd: John A.
July 24th: Michael
July 25th: David
July 26th: Lauren
July 27th: John W.
July 28th: Race O.
July 29th: Lara
July 30th: Joseph
July 31st: Samuel
August 1st: Athena
August 2nd: Colby
August 3rd: Rahm
August 4th: TBD


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